Brand Innovators X Moët Hennessy X BERA at Formula 1 in Miami
After months of uncertainty – will events return, won’t they – BERAns Henry Tam Jr., SVP, Global Sales and Partnerships, Paul Simmons, Sales Director, and I embarked on our biggest in-person event of 2022, the Brand Innovators Marketing Innovation, during Formula 1. To say there was excitement in the air would be an understatement. This 3-day marketing […]
How to create an up-to-date brand that continuously gets consumer attention.
Humans are curious beings, and everyone is attracted to the latest and greatest; an up-to-date brand delivers a product and experience that makes buyers feel they are getting their money’s worth and showcases excitement and innovation in their brand presence. Up-to-date brands are leaders in their category. They show up culturally and contextually–they understand what’s […]
How layoffs are impacting Brand Love for Netflix
Netflix – whose name is almost at a verb status – was the fastest growing American brand of 2019¹, but today, the brand faces ongoing criticism from consumers voicing their concerns on social media over how the platform is failing to meet their expectations; from failing to renew popular series to reversing their position on shared passwords, […]
How CMOs and leading marketers maximize their Return on Brand Investment (ROBI)
A version of this article first appeared in the Forbes Communications Council, by Scott Turner, Forbes Communications Council Member and Chief Marketing Officer at BERA. Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, and creative and advertising agencies. Modern CMOs and marketing leaders who aspire to move up […]
The Future of AI & Personalization Summit featuring Brand Innovators, MetLife and BERA
I recently had the opportunity to host a fireside chat with Jordi Sangil, Global Head of Performance Analytics, MetLife, at the Brand Innovators Future of AI & Personalization Summit in NYC. The event’s purpose was to bring together global marketing leaders to discuss how AI and machine learning are helping brand marketers target and connect with their […]
Why CMO tenure is falling and what to do about it
A version of this article first appeared in the Forbes Communications Council, by Scott Turner, Forbes Communications Council Member and Chief Marketing Officer at BERA. Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, and creative and advertising agencies. In his article, “CEOs, Executive Recruiters And The Problem Of […]
Brand purpose: What it is and why brands need it
Brand Purpose: What it is and why all brands need it Your brand’s purpose is more than a mission statement. It should not be fueled by jargon and oozing with marketing speak. Brand purpose fully reflects how your brand – and all of its people – show up in the world. Now more than ever, […]
Maximizing your return on brand investment (ROBI)
In Forrester’s 2021 Global Marketing Survey, 23% of B2C marketing decision-makers said measuring marketing results will be a great challenge in the next two years. Learn how marketing leaders can measure and maximize financial impact and boost their return on brand investments.
How to create a brand that resonates with today’s consumers and feels authentic and real
What do Burt’s Bees, PayPal, Crayola, AAA, Intel, and Amazon have in common? They put themselves out there in bold and engaging ways and let their customers know exactly who they are and what they represent. They look out for their consumers’ interests and care deeply about customer experiences. They own it all–the good, the […]
Emotional vs. functional benefits: SaaS company’s value propositions.
Volvo has been producing witty and memorable ads since the early 60s. Drive It Like You Hate It features one of their popular compact models racing through rugged terrain. As the car twists, turns and drifts along an unkempt dirt road, the narrator lets the viewer know that Volvo gets 25 miles per gallon and can still […]