About Us
BERA.ai set out to revolutionize the way brands track and measure the financial implications of brand investments. Our software bridges the gap between marketing and finance to create a company snapshot that is both deeply granular and widely comprehensive. You not only track brand momentum, but make business decisions informed by a sharp predictive understanding of where your brand needs to go.
Where it all began
After 15 years in brand consultancy at WPP, there were key questions I still wanted to resolve, namely: how could agencies win awards every year and be applauded by the industry despite declines in client business? I was left with a horrible feeling knowing that many KPIs simply didn’t matter; that a client’s business was secondary to a host of vanity metrics. While I strongly believe CMOs represent a driving force of value creation in organizations, vanity metrics have led too many astray…and unknowingly away from power in the board room. In order to hit business goals, it has been common to lean heavily on short-term, sales-boosting tactics like discounting; a practice that invariably deteriorates brand and business value.
Legacy consultancies would then be granted three months to figure out how to stem the decline. I asked myself: How is it that in two years, AI can do more for disease detection than we have in the prior 50? And how is it that disruption pervades the auto industry, the taxi industry, education, financial and legal services, and so many other industries, yet we wait months for an answer on brand equity when the right algorithm and data could deliver the best course of action in seconds? That is how predictive brand tech, BERA.ai, was born.

Ryan Barker
Founder and CEO
Brands can go beyond brand tracking with BERA.ai to build equity and connect brand to business results.
What we do
Brand leaders and finance teams use BERA.ai to deep dive into changes in brand equity—comparing their brand performance over time by segment, geos, competitors, and even against admirable external brands. BERA.ai returns actionable insights and predictive intelligence to guide the decisions that lead to proven brand performance and business value.
What we believe
For years, marketers have struggled to connect brand investment to business outcomes. Consequently, business leaders have been forced to play a guessing game based on incomplete, out of date data. So we developed the world’s only predictive brand technology; the breakthrough you need to build brand equity, accelerate revenue growth, and drive enterprise value.

Unlocking the ability to look forward
Brand tracking and quarterly reports look backward and only tell you how you did. Now there’s a better way to understand customer sentiment and motivation and how to translate that understanding into winning business decisions.
If you compare traditional paper maps to GPS like Waze, you understand how both help you move forward but only one makes sure you don’t ever need to go backward; that’s BERA.ai.