Brand valuation: how to do it and why

Getting brand valuation right.

Millions are spent every year on brand valuation rankings. They are a nice reminder that brands are a valuable corporate asset. But they produce wildly different results, even for the same brand. For example, take a look at four of the most popular annual rankings: Four brands make every list: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. […]

BERA on Valuation and Predictive Brand Tech @ The Wharton School

The Wharton School’s Professor Cait Lamberton hosts BERA’s Jeffrey Peacock and Kraig Schulz for a session on brand equity prediction and the transformation of equity-linked brand valuation into a managerially-relevant indicator for modern brand management organizations. PHILADELPHIA — Widely recognized for its leading reputation in business and finance education, The Wharton School of the University […]

How CMOs and leading marketers maximize their Return on Brand Investment (ROBI)

A version of this article first appeared in the Forbes Communications Council, by Scott Turner, Forbes Communications Council Member and Chief Marketing Officer at BERA. Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, and creative and advertising agencies. Modern CMOs and marketing leaders who aspire to move up […]

BERA users see 391% ROI, Forrester TEI study finds

CMOs are focused on understanding new consumer behaviors and preferences, and are adapting their marketing strategies to align with how their audiences engage with different channels and devices. But marketing leaders don’t just want to create resonant campaigns; they want to invest in the channels, tactics, messages, and offers that drive the most tangible impact […]