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Harvard Business Review
Read BERA's latest article featured in Harvard Business Review
Are you struggling with finding the perfect balance between brand building and performance marketing? Now you can learn three truths that will help you and your company solve one of the biggest problems that CEOs and marketing professionals face today.
How Brand & Performance Marketing Can Work Together
Learn from industry leaders Jim Stengel, CEO, The Stengel Company, Cait Lamberton, Professor of Marketing, Wharton School of Business, and Ken Favaro, Chief of Strategy, BERA share real-world examples of how the right metrics can increase the return on both.
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Forrester Report
Learn How BERA customers generate 391% ROI using Our Software
BERA commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impactâ„¢ study to example the quantifiable ROI and qualitative benefits enterprises realize by deploying BERA's Brand Intelligence Software. The study found that BERA customers experience 391% ROI and a Net Present Value of $7.6 million.
How to use online reviews to boost your business
In this study you'll learn how BERA's real-time, AI-driven Brand Intelligence software generates measurable outcomes that include an increase attributable net profit from faster brand growth, cost savings from eliminating other solutions, and an increase in productivity from marketing efficiency.
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