Set yourself apart with the right brand positioning

Your brand may be the most affordable, unique, and effective on the market, but without the right positioning strategy, your target audience may never understand what distinguishes you from the competition and why they should buy from you.

Position your brand to win big with consumers

Build a distinct and meaningful position in the hearts and minds of your target audiences.

Assess what your brand stands for relative to your peers.

Access real-time insights to understand what your brand currently stands for among your target audience in relationship to your core competencies and in regards to your competition.

Identify the positioning drivers that will grow brand love.
Instantly analyze millions of data points across audience segments and geographies to assess the purpose, emotional, functional, and experiential elements core to your brand, what elements you are lacking with each audience, and the areas you need to focus to grow mindshare, consideration, and loyalty.
Generate a winning positioning strategy.

Organize which drivers are responsible for building brand love into a shareable, winning brief to understand which brand elements to prioritize, and which are white noise that should be ignored.

Go beyond qualitative guesswork.


The Brand Management Maturity Model

How leading marketers maximize investments to grow brand equity and measure the financial impact of brand.


Learn the answers to the most common brand positioning questions.

In order to build a winning brand, you have to know what your brand currently means to the people that matter and prioritize those elements that will help the brand grow. provides a fact-based approach to understanding what associations people have with the brand and which of elements should serve as the brand’s foundational positioning. The Brand Explorer uses a battery of more than 60 attributes to dimensionalize your brand’s Purpose and Emotional connection with an audience and contextualizes that relative to a competitive set of your choosing. This helps to uncover what existing associations people have with your brand and where there are strengths and weaknesses relative to those competitors. In order to win with this audience, we will need to optimize our brand’s positioning to their needs and expectations.

Optimizing a brand’s positioning requires you to not only understand what associations consumers have with your brand and how they compare to competitors but which of those associations should be prioritized and de-prioritized based on how important they are to that audience. An optimal positioning begins with understanding three things: 1) what drives this audience’s relationship with your brand or would have the largest impact on their overall perceptions of your brand, 2) where does your brand have headroom to grow, and 3) where does the brand have permission to grow into.’s automated driver model highlights a brand’s optimal positioning based on these three factors providing a fact based approach to optimizing the brand’s positioning which is specific to that audience.

If your brand positioning is based on aspirations and grounded in the actual expectations and needs of an audience, there is a high risk that the positioning could miss its market. Any positioning work should have a firm foundation in data and insights to avoid wasting resources and time on a strategy that isn’t going to get you very far. Yet an overly simplistic approach to prioritize or set the positioning is still a common downfall even for those using data and insights to develop their position. Many approaches rely on simple bi-variate correlations to understand which elements of a brand’s positioning are most important to a given audience. These ignore the amount of headroom there is to grow those elements and whether or not those elements fit cohesively with the brand’s existing image in the market. A robust approach to positioning should rely on a multivariate model to assess impact or importance, incorporate some measure of headroom for growth, and limit how far an element can be from the brand’s existing perceptions in the market.

The BERA Score simplifies brand-building data points into one number. It is a data-driven, leading indicator and predictor of your brand equity and impact.

For some brands, it could be everything. You can build sustainable and life-long relationships that become the backbone of your business when customers feel connected to your brand. The first step in repositioning your brand is through your BERA Score. Why wonder how your brand is connecting with customers, where it’s connecting, and with whom? Your BERA Score will tell you exactly where you are with your customers and the future of your brand sentiment.

Predictive branding technologies, like, can assess your brand positioning and brand equity so you don’t have to. was made to take the guesswork out of brand-building, providing you with accurate, actionable results about your brand position the first time.

This comes back to your mission statement and cultural or social place within your industry. Your brand should reflect the values, goals, and impacts you want to manifest as an organization. Want to know what your brand’s impact is on your customers and business today? Get your BERA Score for real-time, data-driven analytics and insight into what your brand means to the people who matter most.