Announces Summer 2023 Release

Be the first to see the latest capabilities we are adding to Brand Explorer and how these equip brand teams with the answers and insights they need to optimize brand performance.

Join us live

Join us on Thursday, July 13th, from 12:30 to 1:00 PM EST for a live webcast. We’ll introduce the latest features of Brand Explorer and demonstrate how these new capabilities can guide you in identifying tactics and strategies that will yield the greatest return. You’ll learn how to accelerate funnel conversion and minimize time and money spent on initiatives that don’t generate the required ROI.

Already have plans that day? No problem! Register anyway, and catch the replay at your convenience.


Real-time funnel measurement for brand growth.

  • Track, Measure, and Benchmark with Ease: Access a standard view that enables you and your team to effortlessly measure, benchmark and monitor funnel metrics over time.
  • Uncover Challenges and Opportunities: Gauge your brand awareness, consideration, usage, preference and advocacy instantly, revealing challenges like low target audience awareness and opportunities such as stronger usage-to-perference conversion.
  • Confident Decision-Making: Set conversion goals and understand brand drivers to reduce friction and accelerate conversion through your funnel.


Automate the "why" behind shifts in your brand equity.

  • Explain the ‘Why’: Isolate and quantify the changes in perceptions of your brand that explain movement in your brand equity.  
  • Unlock Key Relationships: Discover what perceptions of your brand are most important to driving its performance.
  • Informed Decision Making: Go beyond what’s changed to understand why’s it’s changed and make faster, smarter decisions with quantified data at your fingertips. 

Start making faster, smarter brand decisions, with better insights to grow brand performance.​

Let us show you how Brand Explorer can unlock better data and richer insights so your team can focus on growing brand performance and areas that deliver the greatest financial return.


Master your brand positioning with functional and experiential metrics.

  • Measure, Benchmark, and Track: Automatically compare the Functional and Experiential strengths and weaknesses of your brand to the 2,000+ most important brands in the US. 
  • Richer Brand Understanding: Get insights into how the functional characteristics and experiences your brand delivers are perceived. Learn which metrics matter most to consumers—like design, features, quality, variety, care, consistency, convenience, and expertise.  
  • Sharper Positioning: Leverage these newly syndicated metrics to craft a richer brand positioning strategy that resonates with consumers, influences purchase decisions, and drives brand loyalty, enabling your brand to excel in the marketplace.

Discover what your team can do with the power of

Learn how customers generate 391% ROI using our AI-powered Brand Management Platform, then see for yourself what ROI you could achieve.

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